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The board of the Campus Council consists of nine members: six main representatives from each institute, along with three members from the executive committee elected annually. The executive committee includes one leader and two deputy leaders. The Campus Council in Narvik operates independently of the management and administration and serves as the local student democracy at UiT in Narvik.

Executive Committee

IR portrett

Illya Reseland


CVJ portrett

Chris Jensen


EMB portrett

Ella Margrete Berg


Board Members 2023/2024

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Håkon Søraas

Hovedtillitsvalgt [HTV]

Institutt for industriell teknologi

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Sebastian Langvatn

Hovedtillitsvalgt [HTV]

Institutt for økonomi og administrasjon

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Illya Reseland

Hovedtillitsvalgt [HTV]

Institutt for datateknologi og beregningsorienterte ingeniørfag

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Sara Marie Herskedal Krogstad

Hovedtillitsvalgt [HTV]

Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag

og idrettshøgskolen

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Andreas Lyngmo

Hovedtillitsvalgt [HTV]

Institutt for elektroteknologi

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Tom-Christian Albrigtsen

Hovedtillitsvalgt [HTV]

Institutt for bygg, energi og materialteknologi


The Student Parliament is the highest democratic body for students at UiT, consisting of 25 representatives from across the university. It addresses academic and welfare issues, working towards improving UiT.

The Campus Council in Narvik has two representatives in the parliament, with one seat annually allocated to the executive committee

Representative for the Student Parliament at UiT, Campus Narvik

SP rep. HH

Hermann Hellerud

Representant, studiested Narvik


Our goals are to ensure that your rights are protected and that your daily academic life is as good as it can be.

Campus council in Narvik

We work to protect the academic, economic, and democratic rights of students at UiT in Narvik


Where to find us?

The Campus Council in Narvik has office spaces directly on campus.

Visit us at A2230 - A2250

Office hours:

Monday - Friday:

10.00 - 14.00

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